Writers and Poets

Cervantes, Chodzko, Davydov, Dmitrev, Dmuszewski, Fétis, Goethe, Gorecki, Griboyedov, Karamzine, Kozlov, Krylov, Niemcewicz, Ostrovski, Pushkin, Shakespeare, Viazemski, Venevitinov, Zukowski…

For Pushkin from Goethe, Encounters between two great poets, Exhibition « The Legend of Goethe’s Pen », Radio Voice of Russia (in Polish), 16.03.2012

Goethe and Maria Szymanowska, on the web page: History of the town Marianske Lazne and its surroundings (in Czech)

Goethe and Kazimira Wolowska, on the web page: History of the town Marianske Lazne and its surroundings (in Czech)